Bridge-Walking, Eating and Wandering in London, UK – JustUs Skincare Skip to content
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Bridge-Walking, Eating and Wandering in London, UK

The big smoke is storied for its rich history, double-decker buses, red phone booths, and magical bridges. While being famous for its cool, humid, rainy climate, it's also known to change weather many times within even a single day. 

I have been lucky enough to call London almost a second home (at least in my heart) for most of my adult life. I spent a few years studying there in my 20's and knew after my first taste of tea that London was my spirit city. 

Most people will cast a disparaging remark about London weather, but to me it's often picture perfect. And, honestly, its pretty darn nice on the skin (sometimes :). Brook had been experimenting with our Replenish Balm before my trip this past November, so I was able to give it a serious live test during my 12 days there. 

London-perfect skincare routine:

  1. Cleanser (Supreme Clean)
  2. Tighten+Glow. Refining Mist
  3. Brilliance. Vitamin C Serum
  4. Deep Hydration. Gel Balm. 
  5. Meta. Ultimate Tx Cream. 
  6. Replenish. Hydrating Balm (at night)
  7. Deep Refining Cream 2-3x week also at night 

(you can also check out the Wet Climate Routine or the artisanal collection.)

I always love to share recommendations in this magical city. Mostly it is around walking the storied streets and bridges and eating (or drinking). Here are a few of the recent highlights...

Bridge-walking is a must.. beauties like Millennium Bridge have breathtaking views. 

And a wander around Shoreditch will uncover so much unexpected street art (and some pretty cool banksy-originals)

I had a chance to practice photography with an amazing teacher -- Thank you Matthew!

 And get cool shots like this one....

I always start my day with Pret 

Ready for a log day of walking, courtesy of my Time Slippers! (Seriously, I own at least 8 pairs)...

But other libations, such as at the Soho Whisky Club are part of the afternoon or evening routines. 

And I eat my way through every day. There is an abundance of amazing food -- the Indian cuisine alone is to die for. This time I tried out Petersham Nurseries in Richmond and it did not disappoint. In fact, I really want to go back immediately. 


In between meals I love a nice refuel at Ben's Cookies and exploring classic British stores, like Liberty London. 



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